How To Set Fitbit Versa 2 Time?

Are you struggling with setting the time on your Fitbit Versa 2? You’re not alone. Many users have reported difficulty in figuring out how to adjust the time on their devices. Whether it’s due to a confusing interface or lack of clear instructions, setting the time on a Fitbit Versa 2 can be a frustrating experience for many.

As someone who works for a website that reviews thousands of wearable products, I have come across numerous questions and concerns from users about setting the time on their Fitbit Versa 2. I have seen firsthand the challenges that users face when trying to navigate the settings and adjust the time on their devices. Through my experience in the field, I have gained valuable insight into the common issues that users encounter when trying to set the time on their Fitbit Versa 2.

If you’re struggling to set the time on your Fitbit Versa 2, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I will provide you with a step-by-step guide to help you easily and effectively adjust the time on your device. I will walk you through the process and provide you with helpful tips and tricks to ensure that you can set the time on your Fitbit Versa 2 with ease. So, sit back, relax, and let’s get your Fitbit Versa 2 set up and running with the correct time in no time!

Setting the Time on Your Fitbit Versa 2

Sync Your Fitbit Versa 2

To set the time on your Fitbit Versa 2, the first step is to ensure that your device is synced with the Fitbit app on your smartphone. This will ensure that the time on your Versa 2 is accurate and up to date.

Access the Settings Menu

Once your Fitbit Versa 2 is synced with the app, navigate to the Settings menu on the device. This can be done by swiping left on the clock face and tapping on the “Settings” icon.

Adjust the Time Settings

Within the Settings menu, locate the “Clock” option and tap on it to access the time settings. From here, you can manually adjust the time on your Fitbit Versa 2 to match the current time.

Enable Automatic Time Updates

To ensure that the time on your Fitbit Versa 2 stays accurate, consider enabling the automatic time update feature. This will allow your device to sync with the current time whenever it is connected to the Fitbit app on your smartphone.

Verify the Time Zone

It’s important to verify that the time zone set on your Fitbit Versa 2 is correct, especially if you frequently travel or change time zones. This will ensure that the time displayed on your device is always accurate.

Utilize the 24-Hour Clock Option

If you prefer to use the 24-hour clock format, you can easily switch to this option within the time settings on your Fitbit Versa 2. This can be a convenient way to view the time, especially for those accustomed to military time.

Regularly Check the Time Accuracy

After setting the time on your Fitbit Versa 2, it’s a good practice to periodically check the accuracy of the time displayed on your device. This will ensure that your Versa 2 continues to provide you with the correct time throughout the day.

By following these simple steps, you can easily set the time on your Fitbit Versa 2 and ensure that it remains accurate and up to date.


1. How do I set the time on my Fitbit Versa 2?

To set the time on your Fitbit Versa 2, swipe right on the clock face and tap on the Settings icon. Then, tap on “Clock Faces” and select the clock face you want to use. If the clock face supports customizations, tap on “Settings” and then “Time Display” to set the time format and time zone.

2. Can I manually adjust the time on my Fitbit Versa 2?

Yes, you can manually adjust the time on your Fitbit Versa 2. Simply go to the Settings app on your Fitbit and select “Clock Faces” and then “Time Display” to manually set the time and date.

3. Why is the time on my Fitbit Versa 2 incorrect?

If the time on your Fitbit Versa 2 is incorrect, it may be due to an incorrect time zone setting or a syncing issue with the Fitbit app. Make sure that your time zone is set correctly in the Fitbit app and that your device is connected to the internet for accurate time updates.

4. Does the Fitbit Versa 2 automatically adjust for daylight saving time?

Yes, the Fitbit Versa 2 automatically adjusts for daylight saving time if the time zone setting in the Fitbit app is set to automatic. If you prefer to manually adjust for daylight saving time, you can turn off the automatic time zone setting and set the time manually.

5. How often should I check and update the time on my Fitbit Versa 2?

It is recommended to check and update the time on your Fitbit Versa 2 whenever you travel to a different time zone or during daylight saving time changes. Additionally, regularly syncing your device with the Fitbit app can ensure that the time is accurate and up to date.

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