Garmin Connect

How Do I Disable Segments On Garmin Connect?

Are you tired of seeing segments on your Garmin Connect? If you’re like many Garmin users, you may find that segments can be a nuisance. Segments are the portions of your route that are marked by other users as a popular spot for running or cycling. While they can be helpful for training, they can also be distracting and take away from your overall experience.

As someone who works for a website that reviews thousands of wearable products, I understand the importance of having a seamless user experience. I’ve heard from many users who have struggled with disabling segments on Garmin Connect and have found it to be a frustrating experience. That’s why I’m here to help.

In this blog post, you’ll find a solution to disabling segments on Garmin Connect, if it exists. I’ll walk you through the steps and provide helpful tips along the way. So, if you’re ready to take control of your Garmin Connect experience, keep reading and let’s get started!

How to Disable Segments on Garmin Connect


Garmin Connect is a popular platform for fitness enthusiasts to track their activities and monitor their progress. One of the features of Garmin Connect is the Segments feature, which allows users to compete with others on a particular route or course. However, there may be times when a user wants to disable this feature. This article will explain how to do so.

What are Segments on Garmin Connect?

Segments on Garmin Connect are virtual race courses that users can create or find on the platform. Users can compete with others on these courses and track their progress over time. Segments are a fun way to challenge yourself and others, but they can also be distracting or annoying for some users.

Why Disable Segments on Garmin Connect?

There are several reasons why a user may want to disable Segments on Garmin Connect. For instance, some users may find the constant notifications distracting during their workout. Others may not be interested in competing with others and prefer to focus on their own progress. Additionally, some users may find that Segments drain their battery life or use up their data plan.

How to Disable Segments on Garmin Connect

To disable Segments on Garmin Connect, follow these steps:

1. Open the Garmin Connect app on your device.
2. Tap on the “More” tab at the bottom of the screen.
3. Select “Segments” from the list of options.
4. Tap on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.
5. Toggle the “Segments” switch to the off position.

What Happens When You Disable Segments on Garmin Connect?

When you disable Segments on Garmin Connect, you will no longer receive notifications about Segments during your workout. You will also not be able to compete with others on Segments or view your progress on these courses. However, you will still be able to track your activities and view your progress on other features of Garmin Connect.


Disabling Segments on Garmin Connect is a simple process that can help users who find this feature distracting or annoying. By following the steps outlined in this article, users can easily turn off Segments and focus on their own progress. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or just starting out, Garmin Connect can help you achieve your fitness goals.

FAQs: How Do I Disable Segments On Garmin Connect?

1. What are segments on Garmin Connect?

Segments on Garmin Connect are sections of a route or course that have been marked by other users as a point of interest or challenge. These segments can be viewed and compared by other users who have completed the same route or course.

2. Why would I want to disable segments on Garmin Connect?

You may want to disable segments on Garmin Connect if you do not want to participate in challenges or competitions based on your performance on certain routes or courses. Additionally, disabling segments can help improve the battery life of your Garmin device.

3. How do I disable segments on Garmin Connect for a specific activity?

To disable segments for a specific activity on Garmin Connect, go to the activity details page and click on the gear icon in the top right corner. From there, select “Edit Activity” and then uncheck the box next to “Include Segments”.

4. How do I disable segments on Garmin Connect for all activities?

To disable segments for all activities on Garmin Connect, go to the “Settings” page and select “Activity Settings”. From there, toggle the switch next to “Include Segments” to the off position.

5. Can I still view segments on Garmin Connect if I have disabled them?

Yes, you can still view segments on Garmin Connect even if you have disabled them. However, you will not be able to participate in challenges or competitions based on your performance on those segments.

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