Patriot ViewPoint

93 Excellent!

Reviews Summary

Patriot Viewpoint is the best low vision wearable VR headset, magnifier, and OCR reading device for gaining visual independence. The Patriot Viewpoint can assist you if you have macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, or other visual impairment conditions.


  • Wide field of view
  • Text-to-speech
  • Different colors available
  • Wearable and comfortable
  • Easy controls
  • Voice Commands


  • Battery and charging issues
  • Can’t be used in motion
  • The location of the earbuds is not easy to find
  • Expensive

Where to get it?

Patriot ViewPoint by Magnifying America

as of March 31, 2025 4:41 am


Patriot ViewPoint is a high-quality virtual reality headset that wraps an extraordinary crystal clear image around your eyes. You have the option of reading in full color or in a high contrast black on white or negative text mode. Furthermore, with the press of a button, the Patriot ViewPoint can quickly convert text to speech and have documents read aloud using OCR technology that works with incredible accuracy.


Wide field of view

The wide-screen 101-degree viewable field is the largest on the market, and having a super-sharp wide display that brings nearly everything displayed at a distance closer to you makes all the difference. The headset also reduces glare on the screen by blocking out some of the light, making everything visible through the screen sharper and easier to see.



With OCR technology, you can quickly convert text to speech and have documents read aloud by pressing a button.


Different colors available

You can read in color or in a variety of other high contrast color modes. The ViewPoint has 13 different color modes that are available in both Live Mode and Reading Mode.


Wearable and comfortable

The Patriot ViewPoint uses genuine Samsung Virtual Reality hardware that is both comfortable to wear and simple to use. It is designed to be worn for hours at a time. It also has an elastic headband that adjusts to keep everything in place over your eyes.


Battery and charging issues

The battery life is approximately 2.5 hours of continuous use when fully charged. A manual, charging cable, and earbuds are also included in the carrying case. There is no need for remote or additional cables to be plugged in or worn. The battery life is one of ViewPoint’s major drawbacks. The brightness of the screen has a significant impact on how long the headset can be used before needing to be recharged, and many users will have the brightness turned up to see more clearly. While charging, the headset is also inoperable.


Can’t be used in motion

The headset is intended to be worn while seated or standing motionless. It is critical not to move while wearing the headset to avoid tripping or falling. Also, don’t try to drive with it.


Easy controls

The Patriot ViewPoint allows you to do other things while keeping your hands free. The controls are reduced to just five buttons. As a result, users can adjust magnification, backgrounds, brightness, and convert text to speech from a single central control area on the glasses. No prior knowledge of technology is required.


Voice Commands

If you need to use your hands for a project or another task, voice commands come in handy. While in the Settings menu, you can enable Voice Commands. Once enabled, just say, “Patriot,” listen for the tone, and say the voice command you want. The ViewPoint responds to four commands: “make bigger,” make smaller,” change color,” and “take picture.” “Make bigger” and “make smaller” change the magnification accordingly. “Change color” switches from one color mode to the next, and “take picture” launches the Read Mode.


The location of the earbuds is not easy to find

The only issue is figuring out where to plug in the earbuds. The input is on the Galaxy S8, which is tucked inside the headset. Fortunately, the instructions are clear in the manual, and with a little reading, you’ll be able to find it.



Magnifying America sells the Patriot ViewPoint for $2,995, which is quite expensive.

Product Stats

Product sentiment (% of positive sentences about the product)
Features Sentiment
Usefullness 100%
Ease of use 93%
Features 91%
Voice commands 89%
Comfort 88%
Use in motion 75%
Battery 74%
Price 68%

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